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Planning Commission Reschedules 
Public Hearing Dates for Neighborhood-based Planning Areas Volume of Comprehensive Plan Draft

Rockville’s Planning Commission will hold public hearings on Sept. 9 and 23 for the community to provide comments in-person on the initial staff draft of the neighborhood-specific sections of the comprehensive plan update. 

Written comments continue to be accepted leading up and just after the September hearings. Testimony can be submitted online.

Planning staff is available by request via email or virtual meeting to answer questions and talk with community associations, residents, businesses, workers and other organizations, so that community members can learn more about the draft’s contents and how to provide feedback.  

The second component of Rockville’s comprehensive plan update, “Volume II: Planning Areas,” was delivered in December to the city’s Planning Commission for its review. Volume II consists of policy recommendations and recommended city projects for each of the city’s 17 geographic neighborhood-specific planning areas.  

These recommendations build on citywide policies of the draft “Volume I: Elements” — which the Planning Commission reviewed over the past year — by focusing on issues and opportunities unique to each planning area. 

Combined with the first half of the draft comprehensive plan, the Planning Areas component work will guide neighborhood, or planning area, policies and projects throughout the next two decades. 

Rockville’s comprehensive plan sets a vision and goals for the future of the city, with practical policies and actions to achieve those goals. 

For more information, visit or contact principal planner Clark Larson at [email protected] or 240-314-8225.

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